Plants do not recognize hierarchical authority. They create communities based on the relationships between the organisms that make them up.
They know that all are important for the survival of the plant-animal community, because we are one.
Plants limit their development if resources start to run out, they take care of future generations.
And us?
Posters for the show

Article 7 of the Plant Manifesto reads: "The Plant Nation does not recognize borders. Every living being has the right to move and to choose its place of life."
Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads: "Everyone has the right to seek asylum and to enjoy it in other countries in case of persecution."
This is not enough. It is not enough to have the right to migrate when fleeing persecution. Migration is either a necessity or a choice. We should be able to migrate at any time. Animals migrate, plants migrate. Migration is a natural survival strategy, and blocking it is a violation of dignity.
Movement is, at the same time, much more. It is the essence of life.
Twórcy i twórczynie:
Emil Al-Khawaldeh, Alicja Borkowska, Weronika Chinowska, Adrien Cognac, Magdalena Duszyńska-Sasin, Tatiana Dzivakova, Wojtek Kaniewski, Natalia Lis, Pavlo Luhovyi, Svitlana Makedon, Łukasz Nadwodny, Stanley Ndua, Piotr Pieczyński, Mikołaj Poncyljusz, Michał Rezazadeh, Syfon Studio, Emilia Szuchniewicz, Marek Śmietana, Magdalena Walusiak, Łukasz Wójcicki, Luxuan Wang.
Shows took place on December the 5th and 6th at 7:30 PM
Small Stage of the Zygmunt Hubner Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw
The Plant Manifesto was funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU
The Plant Manifesto is part of the RE-THINK THE CHALLENGE project financed by the Allianz Foundation and the Dramaturgie Społeczne project co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw.