The Re-think the Challenge project is inspired by the need for intercultural and intersectoral reflection on just mobility in times of climate change. It not only examines the current knowledge and narratives about potential scenarios and key challenges related to migration and climate change, but also explores participatory methods and tools for use in socially engaged discussions and actions concerning these phenomena. Our work aims to combine research, knowledge exchange, and education with new artistic forms exploring issues of climate and migration.
The project draws on contemporary philosophical thought and a historical perspective on environmental change. In a politically and economically unstable world, deepened reflection and the desire to understand the surrounding world respond to the need to comprehend the humanitarian, climate, migration, and poverty crises. The project creates a space for reflection in a world that demands quick and decisive actions, encouraging the search for shades of gray in times that force us to see only black and white. It pushes us to ask questions and seek doubts when it seems that we must have a ready answer for every question and a formed opinion on every issue. And finally – it mobilizes dialogue, the search for solutions, agreements, and understanding for everything new and different, helping to tame fear.
Participation and research
The project is based on two main methodologies shared by the collaborating partners: a community-focused methodology centered on participatory art created with the active involvement of migrant communities (led by Strefa WolnoSłową and Cantieri Meticci) and a research methodology involving scientists from the University of Bologna and the Reimagining Mobilities group.
The project consists of artistic and seminar events taking place from September 2023 to August 2025. These activities will culminate in two editions of the Re-think the Challenge Festival. The first edition was held in Bologna in 2024, and the second is scheduled for Warsaw in 2025.
The Re-think the challenge project is funded by the Allianz Foundation.