Migrart.waw.pl serves as a comprehensive database for migrant artists and a collaborative networking platform. It hosts regular meetings aimed at artists and cultural professionals who are interested in sharing their experiences. These gatherings are also inclusive of individuals who have engaged in creative activities in their countries of origin but have not had the opportunity to pursue them further in Poland. Additionally, representatives from organizations and institutions within the cultural and art sectors in Poland are welcome to participate. 

During these meetings, we focus on exploring ways for cultural institutions to collaborate effectively with migrants and refugees. The discussions facilitate the sharing of experiences, the exchange of best practices, the development of networks, and the dissemination of knowledge within the community.

The discussions facilitate the sharing of experiences, the exchange of best practices, the development of networks, and the dissemination of knowledge within the community.

We invite all migrant artists working in any form or medium of art to register on the portal. Institutions and organizations interested in collaboration are welcome to help create a more inclusive, multilingual, and diverse culture!

Migrart.waw.pl continuously establishes new connections with Polish cultural institutions and organizations. To date, we have collaborated with the following institutions: Powszechny Theatre named after Zygmunt Hübner, Teatr Ochoty, Warsaw Museum, Wola Museum, Praga Museum, Jasna 10: Social Cultural Institution, Komuna Warszawa, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Rotational Cultural House, and many others.


In 2024, we launched a program of week-long artistic residencies for migrant creators at the Powszechny Theatre (Third Stage), which was created in response to the needs of those involved in performing arts.

For this year's edition, we selected 5 informal creative groups/collectives/artistic duos, at least half of whom have migrant experience. During the 7-day residency at the Powszechny Theatre, the creators had the opportunity to develop a project that was a continuation of previous work or to work on a completely new idea. The creative process was supported with expertise, technical assistance, promotional help, and financial backing.


  1. Planet of Women
    Concept and performance:
    Rimma Tyshkevych and Anastasiia Ivasova
    Alicja Wójtowiec


  3. On Four Hands
    Concept and performance:
    Mariia Lozova and Joanna Żaboklicka

  4. On Our Knees
    Concept and performance:
    Shahrazd Nazarpour and Morteza Mohammadi

  5. Spójnia
    Concept and performance:
    Eliza Paś, Renan Vieira, Ewa Dąbrowska, Sergio Pellegrini


Residency Curator:
Łukasz Wójcicki

Project Coordinator of Migrart.waw.pl:
Stanley Ndua

The project is funded by the capital city of Warsaw.


The photos from the meeting at the Museum of Modern Art were financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU