We are waiting for your application until 27 October 2024.
multicultural creative
workshops in Warsaw!
Grand finale – the show Once Again
24.06.2023 at 19:30
Small Stage of Teatr Powszechny
in Warsaw
Life goes on – in spite of war, closing and opening borders, earthquakes, ballistic missiles and hurricanes, sweeping away blocks like houses of styrofoam plastered cards. Life surprises, enforces and demands – from ourselves, from loved ones, from the mythical us, you and “them.”
We believe that theater helps to express ourselves and get to know others, to feel together, to experience change.
It may not save the world, but it is able to save our small worlds and build New ones.
We need a refuge and a respite from the everyday, ending not necessarily just after statutory working hours. We need the Asylum, so we are opening it for the eleventh time.
Together we will write, improvise, dance, move, learn about ourselves, others. We will talk, collect stories, process them into texts, movement, sounds, images and metaphors.
Together we will create material for a performance event in June 2023!
Projekt Azyl Warszawa jest realizowany dzięki wsparciu m.st. Warszawy w ramach projektu „Dramaturgie społeczne” Teatru Powszechnego i Strefy WolnoSłowej.